Our team is made up of experts in niche communication, including technical and scientific communication.
We are driven to go above and beyond in everything we do to reduce costs and increase the customers’ technical capabilities beyond their initial expectations. Most importantly, we ensure both current and prospective customers get the best value by providing them with open, vendor-agnostic guidance.
Our approach reflects an understanding of industry best practices, stability in the enterprise, and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) standards.
We are:
A wholly owned subsidiary of Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI), an Alaska Native Corporation proudly owned by over 9,400 Shareholders. CIRI is one of 12 land-based Alaska Native regional corporations created by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971 and benefits Alaska Native people who had ties to the Cook Inlet region and beyond.
• ISO 9001:2015 • ISO/IEC 20000
• ISO/IEC 27001 • CMMI-SVC/3